resources for families

explore our library of resources
A wealth of tools, services and advocacy for mothers, fathers, grandparents, caregivers and extended families.

turn everyday moments into learning
moments for your child
Get three text messages a week with fun facts about your child’s development, based on their birth date, and easy tips for intentional learning in everyday moments like snack time, grocery shopping and bedtime.
Signing up for Think Small ParentPowered Texts is free and easy. text LMC to 70138. use code LMC ESP to receive in Spanish and LMC SOM for Somali.

ParentPowered Texting Terms of Use and Privacy Policy: Through the generous support from Target, and the Bush Foundation, we are able to offer this program to Minnesota families at no cost. Your information will never be shared or sold. By signing up for Think Small ParentPowered Texts (the “Program”), you agree to (ii) the Parent Powered PBC Terms of Use available at and Privacy Policy available at, and (iii) receive approximately three Think Small ParentPowered Texts text messages per week from 70138. By signing up, you confirm that you want Parent Powered to send you information we think may be of interest to you, which involves Parent Powered using automated dialing technology to text you at the cell phone number you provided. While there is absolutely no cost for enrolling, data & message rates may apply. You can cancel your receipt of Think Small ParentPowered Texts text messages at any time by texting STOP to 70138. For help with Think Small ParentPowered Texts text HELP to 70138 or email us at
Little Moments
Count playlist
Sing, dance, have fun. music and movement activate a baby’s brain and create a happy mood. just tap on the songs and get ready to dance.
helpful resources and services
Go-to parenting websites
American Academy of Pediatrics
Zero to Three (ZTT)
Text Programs
Think Small Text Video for Families (Aval in English, Spanish, Somali)
Text4Baby App for Pregnancy and the First Year (Avail in multiple languages)
Breast Feeding
HealthPartners Breastfeeding Center and Mom Cafe
Common Questions about breastfeeding
Childcare Assistance
Minnesota Department of Human Services
Parent Aware Quality Rating System and Finder
Minnesota Childcare Assistance Information
Minnesota Early Learning Scholarship Information
Podcast in English and Spanish: How Partnering with their Caregiver Supports Healthy Development
Childcare development milestones
Refer a Child to Help Me Grow MN
Center for Disease Control Milestone Info
Video on CDC Milestone Tracking
Video on CDC milestone tracking in Spanish
Follow Along Program (MN Dept of Health)
Food & nutrition
Minnesota Department of Human Services
Hunger Solutions Minnesota Help Resources
MN WIC Application and Process
Podcast in English and Spanish: Nurturing Healthy Eating Habits from the Start
Twin Cities Mobile Market
Health care
Minnesota Department of Human Services
Minnesota Department of Human Services
Coordinated Entry Information – Housing Assistance
​Screen Time
AAP: Tiempo para estar frente a una pantalla
Podcast in English and Spanish: The Influence of Media on Young children’s Development
​Sleep information
AAP Safe Sleep Resources for Parents (only English)
AAP Video on Safe Sleep Practices (only English)
Tips for a sleep routine
General parenting
Podcast in English and Spanish: Coping with Crying in Babies and Toddlers
ZTT podcast: How Babies Begin to Develop Self-control in the first 3 years ((English and Spanish)
Managing Your Own Emotions: the key to successful parenting
Are Time-outs Helpful or Harmful to Children (English and Spanish)
The Impact of Your Childhood on How you Parent Today (English and Spanish)
Talking about Race with Your Children
Little Moments Count Racial & Social Justice Resources
Resources for fathers
Let’s Hear it for the Dads! (English and Spanish)
Podcast: The Impact of Fathers on a Child’s Development (English and Spanish)
La Guardia Cross: Daddy Matters Episodes
Resources for grandparents and extended family
Grandparent Guide: What’s New, What’s the Same? (English and Spanish)
Webinar: Grandparents As Childcare Providers (English)
Support organizations
African American Babies Coalition
Northside Minneapolis residents: Enroll in NAZ
Early Childhood and Family Education - ECFE is a parenting education program for all Minnesota families with children between the ages of birth to kindergarten entrance.
Free program, activities & learning kit
MacPhail Center for Music - Sing. Play. Learn classes at HealthPartners
Minnesota Children's Museum Reduced Fee Memberships for qualifying families